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Strong group playing foundations for young musicians

Lyra Chamber Music groups meet on Thursdays afternoons (1 hour classes)
Recommended for ages 6-14

ASA Exclusive! Full Orchestral Tuition Scholarship to all admitted students to the 2024-2025 academic year.

Age recommendations are provided as guidelines. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis

What is Lyra?

Lyra is a chamber music program designed to develop the collaborative performance skills of young musicians who are just starting their musical instrument training. 
Here are the ways Lyra enhances and develops the students' collaborative playing:

  1. Small groups provide a more precise and individualized attention to younger students.

  2. Groups will be assigned by matching the students' playing level, providing a fun experience for the students.

  3. Weekly Chamber Music group lessons led by leading Annapolis Symphony Orchestra musicians.

  4. Perform exciting Chamber Music repertoire on Annapolis Symphony Academy concerts.


Included with Lyra - Exclusive Annapolis Symphony Academy benefits:

  • Workshops with Annapolis Symphony Orchestra soloists, guest artists and speakers.

  • Performance opportunities.

  • Community service.

  • Assistance with applications and auditions (summer festivals, colleges & universities)

  • Access to Annapolis Symphony Orchestra rehearsals.

  • Complimentary Annapolis Symphony Orchestra concert access.

Who qualifies for Lyra?

Young string players ages 6-14 playing Suzuki Book 1 though 3 or equivalent level repertoire, at the beginning of their musical journey, taking weekly one-on-one private lessons with an instructor, either at the Academy through our Virtuoso Pathway*, or through a private teacher outside the Academy. If you study with a teacher outside the Annapolis Symphony Academy and are admitted to Lyra, we will ask your private teacher to submit the required Teacher Verification Form.

What is our ensemble/orchestra attendance policy?

Concert participation is required for all students. All dates are available on the Online Calendar. Group class attendance is crucial, as it affects everyone in the group. Each student is allowed two (2) missed rehearsals per semester for any reason. Any additional absences must be approved by the Academy. All group activity absences, as well as private lesson absences require submission of an absence form.


How can I audition for Lyra?

Current members of the Annapolis Symphony Academy are not required to re-apply or re-audition.

New applicants, follow this simple process:

1) Fill out our Application Form.

2) Sign up for an In-Person audition or submit a Virtual Audition. Audition Information Available Here.

3) We will notify you of the audition results and your placement in our programs.

Tuition and Fees

Administrative Fee: $100*

Full Orchestral Scholarship to all admitted students to the 2023-2024 academic year. Students may be asked to perform a musical community service during the semester.

* Administrative fee required to secure enrollment. Lyra Chamber Music Ensembles students also enrolled in Virtuoso Pathway students only pay one ($100) administrative fee to secure enrollment in both Virtuoso Pathway and Lyra Chamber Music Ensembles.

Where and When?

Lyra Chamber Music Ensembles meet on Thursday afternoons. Available class times: 5:00pm, and 6:00pm.

All Annapolis Symphony Academy activities take place at Temple Beth Shalom, 1461 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd, Arnold, MD.

© 2022 Annapolis Symphony Academy. Website Design: Netanel Draiblate. 

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